How to win !?

How to win with your branding

How to win over millennials with your branding

It’s no secret that the leaders of the internet and the key to viral success largely lies with the millennials of the world.  But, what can you do to maximise your chances of connecting with them? Let’s explore. There’s been a mass amount of research attempting to find out as much as possible about ‘millennials’ in an attempt to boost marketing effectiveness. From the big move away from organised religion, moving instead toward spirituality, we can make assumptions that having a focus on wellness will, on some level, be attractive to them.

How to win !?

54% of millennials have recently said that they’re looking to connect with brands that enhance their spirit and soul, whilst 77% are looking to buy from brands that align with their values. This is something we’re increasingly seeing happen with boycotts of brands that test on animals and most recently, for example, the increase in popularity for vegan brands.

How to win !?

What we’ve also learnt is that millennials are largely not loyal to brands; only 7% consider themselves to be brand loyalists. This, of course, is largely down to the internet and smartphones. It’s easier than ever to compare and contrast prices of the same product from different brands in seconds, constantly searching for a bargain, 75% of millennials consider themselves as ‘bargain hunters’, the price being the most significant part of their purchase decision rather than the brand.

How to win

Video advertising is the dominant force in your digital strategy. You simply can’t ignore it.

But it requires continuous efforts. So, where do you begin?

The answer lies in choosing the right video ad maker.

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