Marketing branding Strategy

Marketing branding Strategy, love it or hate it!

Why Branding is important for your Start-Up

Branding; love it or hate it, it’s a lot more than just making your product or company look nice.

A lot of companies make the mistake of ignoring the importance of solid branding, end up putting a massive amount of time and energy into the product/service and then end up facing some serious hurdles they may not have encountered had they spent a little more time on their branding.

What a lot of people fail to recognize is that branding goes a long way past logos and colors. To create a strong brand identity, you have to research and define your target audience, not to mention the competition. This process alone is insanely valuable and educational. Brand identity can quite literally be your key to success. Branding builds awareness of who you are, what you do and why you do it. Logos, slogans, color schemes… these all then act as triggers, triggering a bespoke response within your customers that reminds them of your brand identity.

Marketing branding Strategy

There are three main effects that branding can create for your start up, let’s break them down:


As pointed out earlier, branding is a lot more than just a logo. Branding is personality.

Solidifying the branding right at the beginning of your company’s journey will also enable you to ensure that you stand out from the competition. If there are a few companies doing a similar thing to what you are, this is your chance to ‘one-up’ them. You’ll be able to pick out their flaws, be it their name, website, logo, tone of voice, social media presence… the lot.

The more consistent your brand identity is across all platforms on and offline, the stronger your whole identity will be. You want there to be absolutely no confusion over whether something has come from your company.


Did you know that your branding can actually accelerate conversions and new sales?

Marketing, including branding, is ultimately all about influencing people’s behaviour. If a brand has a strong identity and clearly knows their target audience inside out, it will be able to create content that will emotionally connect with them. Emotional connections lead to a great consumer to customer relationship, which means increased loyalty and again, an increase in sales. Can you see the pattern yet?


With branding comes consistency, a real-life connection and if those have both been established successfully, you’ll have built yourself some trust.

Marketing branding Strategy